
Prospectus of establishment

September 1949, 9 The rebuilding of New Japan is the work of our youth.Needless to say, the current situation in Japan is extremely difficult.In order to overcome this difficulty, the first step should be to improve the domestic economy and establish close ties with the international economy.I believe that we young people, who bear most of that responsibility, must seize every opportunity to unite with one another and strive for self-cultivation.Young Chambers of Commerce have already been established in various parts of Europe and the United States, and in 3 even the International Junior Chamber of Commerce was established as a global liaison body.Rather than coordinating with these international organizations, we would like to use the energy and energy of young people to study the actual state of the industrial economy, constantly renew our understanding, and strive to fulfill our responsibilities.Here in Tokyo, the center of politics and economy, we young people think that this mission is extremely important, and have planned to establish the Tokyo Youth Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

(original mom)

Timeline list

We, the Junior Chamber of Tokyo (JCI Tokyo), shared the same aspiration that "reconstruction of new Japan is the responsibility of young people" in 24, while the scars of the war remain deep in the city and in the hearts of people. It was built by young people who do.Since then, JCI Tokyo has been engaged in various activities and movements with the idea of ​​"realizing a bright and prosperous society."

10st to XNUMXs

  • 1949

    Zenbee Miwa
    first chairman
    Zenbee Miwa(late)
    (Japan JC 6th president)
    Number of members: 48
  • 1950

    Mitsuhiro Kurokawa
    2nd Deputy Chairman
    Mitsuhiro Kurokawa(late)
    (Japan JC first president)
    Number of members: 67
  • 1951

    Toshio Kosaka
    3nd Deputy Chairman
    Toshio Kosaka(late)
    (Japan JC 2th president)
    Number of members: 101
  • 1952

    Horikoshi Yoshio
    4nd Deputy Chairman
    Horikoshi Yoshio(late)
    (Japan JC 3th president)
    Number of members: 145
  • 1953

    Reijiro Hattori
    5nd Deputy Chairman
    Reijiro Hattori(late)
    (Japan JC 4th president)
    Number of members: 160
  • 1954

    Keizo Yamamoto
    6nd Deputy Chairman
    Keizo Yamamoto(late)
    Number of members: 170
  • 1955-56 year

    Shin Maru
    7nd Deputy Chairman
    Shin Maru(late)
    Number of members: 170 ('55)
    Number of members: 186 ('56)
  • 1957

    Tomiji Yamazaki
    8nd Deputy Chairman
    Tomiji Yamazaki(late)
    (Japan JC 10th president)
    Number of members: 210
  • 1958

    Atsushi Kobayashi
    9nd Deputy Chairman
    Atsushi Kobayashi(late)
    Number of members: 260
  • 1959

    Taizo Hiromi
    10nd Deputy Chairman
    Taizo Hiromi(late)
    Number of members: 258

11s to 20s

  • 1960

    Semi Hoshiro
    11nd Deputy Chairman
    Semi Hoshiro(late)
    (Japan JC 12th president)
    Number of members: 288
  • 1961

    Shinji Ashizawa
    12nd Deputy Chairman
    Shinji Ashizawa(late)
    Number of members: 341
  • 1962

    Shigeya Kosuga
    13nd Deputy Chairman
    Shigeya Kosuga(late)
    Number of members: 384
  • 1963

    Masanori Miyairi
    14nd Deputy Chairman
    Masanori Miyairi(late)
    Number of members: 411
  • 1964

    Masahisa Hayashi
    15nd Deputy Chairman
    Masahisa Hayashi(late)
    Number of members: 428
  • 1965

    Akira Yanagisawa
    16nd Deputy Chairman
    Akira Yanagisawa(late)
    (Japan JC 16th president)
    Number of members: 452
  • 1966

    Toshio Suzuki
    17nd Deputy Chairman
    Toshio Suzuki(late)
    Number of members: 440
  • 1967

    Jiro Ushio
    18nd Deputy Chairman
    Jiro Ushio(late)
    (Japan JC 18th president)
    Number of members: 437
  • 1968

    Seiya Matsumoto
    19nd Deputy Chairman
    Seiya Matsumoto(late)
    Number of members: 458
  • 1969

    Kazumasa Nakamura
    20nd Deputy Chairman
    Kazumasa Nakamura(late)
    Number of members: 569

21s to 30s

  • 1970

    Mitsuo Nitta
    21nd Deputy Chairman
    Mitsuo Nitta(late)
    Number of members: 645
  • 1971

    Yoshihiro Murayama
    22nd Deputy Chairman
    Yoshihiro Murayama(late)
    Number of members: 686
  • 1972

    Maeda Kanji
    23nd Deputy Chairman
    Maeda Kanji(late)
    (Japan JC 23th president)
    Number of members: 704
  • 1973

    Shiro Yamazaki
    24nd Deputy Chairman
    Shiro Yamazaki(late)
    Number of members: 802
  • 1974

    Tadashi Okuyama
    25nd Deputy Chairman
    Tadashi Okuyama
    Number of members: 918
  • 1975

    Shoichi Asaji
    26nd Deputy Chairman
    Shoichi Asaji
    Number of members: 1,030
  • 1976

    Akitaka Ikeda
    27nd Deputy Chairman
    Akitaka Ikeda
    Number of members: 1, 104
  • 1977

    Shintaro Ueda
    28nd Deputy Chairman
    Shintaro Ueda(late)
    Number of members: 1, 101
  • 1978

    Katsuhiko Tatsuno
    29nd Deputy Chairman
    Katsuhiko Tatsuno
    Number of members: 1, 106
  • 1979

    Mizuno Kokuichi
    30nd Deputy Chairman
    Takeichi Mizuno(late)
    Number of members: 1, 134

31s to 40s

  • 1980

    Mitsuhiro Kurokawa
    31nd Deputy Chairman
    Mitsuhiro Kurokawa
    (Japan JC 31th president)
    Number of members: 1, 176
  • 1981

    Toshiyuki Katsura
    32nd Deputy Chairman
    Toshiyuki Katsura(late)
    Number of members: 1, 151
  • 1982

    Shumasa Kimura
    33nd Deputy Chairman
    Shumasa Kimura(late)
    Number of members: 1, 222
  • 1983

    Yoichi Kojima
    34nd Deputy Chairman
    Yoichiro Kojima
    Number of members: 1, 192
  • 1984

    Toshiyuki Kosaka
    35nd Deputy Chairman
    Toshiyuki Kosaka
    Number of members: 1, 170
  • 1985

    Hitoshi Hattori
    36nd Deputy Chairman
    Hitoshi Hattori(late)
    Number of members: 1, 221
  • 1986

    Yasuto Yamamoto
    37nd Deputy Chairman
    Yasuto Yamamoto
    Number of members: 1, 306
  • 1987

    Yoshihide Watanabe
    38nd Deputy Chairman
    Yoshihide Watanabe
    Number of members: 1, 357
  • 1988

    Koji Wada
    39nd Deputy Chairman
    Koji Wada
    Number of members: 1, 344
  • 1989

    Yoshizo Abe
    40nd Deputy Chairman
    Yoshikazu Abe
    Number of members: 1, 422

41s to 50s

  • 1990

    Tsunemasa Tanaka
    41nd Deputy Chairman
    Tsunemasa Tanaka
    Number of members: 1, 361
  • 1991

    Motoharu Kobayashi
    42nd Deputy Chairman
    Motoharu Kobayashi
    Number of members: 1, 329
  • 1992

    Setsuo Nakamura
    43nd Deputy Chairman
    Setsuo Nakamura
    Number of members: 1, 263
  • 1993

    Shimakage Koyu
    44nd Deputy Chairman
    Shimakage Koyu
    Number of members: 1, 180
  • 1994

    Ryuichi Hirokawa
    45nd Deputy Chairman
    Ryuichi Hirokawa
    Number of members: 1, 083
  • 1995

    Hiroshi Oshima
    46nd Deputy Chairman
    Hiroshi Oshima
    Number of members: 1, 053
  • 1996

    Taro Edami
    47nd Deputy Chairman
    Taro Edami
    Number of members: 1, 044
  • 1997

    Yasuo Sato
    48nd Deputy Chairman
    Yasuo Sato(late)
    Number of members: 1, 023
  • 1998

    Ryohei Hasebe
    49nd Deputy Chairman
    Ryohei Hasebe
    Number of members: 1, 008
  • 1999

    Fumio Banba
    50nd Deputy Chairman
    Fumio Banba
    Number of members: 923

51s to 60s

  • 2000

    Tetsuo Watanabe
    51nd Deputy Chairman
    Tetsuo Watanabe
    Number of members: 834
  • 2001

    Yoshihisa Shiozawa
    52nd Deputy Chairman
    Yoshihisa Shiozawa
    Number of members: 772
  • 2002

    Akitoshi Nishino
    53nd Deputy Chairman
    Akitoshi Nishino
    Number of members: 742
  • 2003

    Masaaki Taira
    54nd Deputy Chairman
    Masaaki Taira
    Number of members: 711
  • 2004

    Shinichiro Furuya
    55nd Deputy Chairman
    Shinichiro Furuya
    Number of members: 693
  • 2005

    Taketoshi Nishimura
    56nd Deputy Chairman
    Taketoshi Nishimura
    Number of members: 667
  • 2006

    Katsuyuki Takahashi
    57nd Deputy Chairman
    Katsuyuki Takahashi
    Number of members: 637
  • 2007

    Naokatsu Matsumoto
    58nd Deputy Chairman
    Naokatsu Matsumoto
    Number of members: 597
  • 2008

    Yaichiro Aizawa
    59nd Deputy Chairman
    Yaichiro Aizawa
    (Japan JC 59th president)
    Number of members: 601
  • 2009

    Keita Kashino
    60nd Deputy Chairman
    Keita Kashino
    Number of members: 597

61s to 70s

  • 2010

    Koichi Ando
    61nd Deputy Chairman
    Koichi Ando
    Number of members: 556
  • 2011

    Taku Okuyama
    62nd Deputy Chairman
    Taku Okuyama
    Number of members: 573
  • 2012

    Daytime Taro
    63nd Deputy Chairman
    Daytime Taro
    Number of members: 568
  • 2013

    Junya Sasashima
    64nd Deputy Chairman
    Junya Sasashima
    Number of members: 552
  • 2014

    Keisuke Sugawara
    65nd Deputy Chairman
    Keisuke Sugawara
    Number of members: 541
  • 2015

    Takeshi Nakamura
    66nd Deputy Chairman
    Takeshi Nakamura
    Number of members: 550
  • 2016

    Nakahara Shujiro
    67nd Deputy Chairman
    Nakahara Shujiro
    Number of members: 594
  • 2017

    Asami Hatano
    68nd Deputy Chairman
    Asami Hatano
    Number of members: 626
  • 2018

    Kazutaka Ishikawa
    69nd Deputy Chairman
    Kazutaka Ishikawa
    Number of members: 658
  • 2019

    Masanori Shiozawa
    70nd Deputy Chairman
    Masanori Shiozawa
    Number of members: 688

71s ~

  • 2020

    Eita Izawa
    71nd Deputy Chairman
    Eita Izawa
    Number of members: 674
  • 2021

    Outer mouth true size
    72nd Deputy Chairman
    Outer mouth true size
    Number of members: 702
  • 2022

    Kenta Yamamoto
    73nd Deputy Chairman
    Kenta Yamamoto
    Number of members: 656
  • 2023

    Keisuke Shimoyamada
    74nd Deputy Chairman
    Keisuke Shimoyamada
    Number of members: 656